Sunday, December 19, 2010


Last night I decided that I need a project.

I remembered that around this time last year I was reading Julie and Julia by Julie Powell. Her book is based off her blog, The Julie/Julia Project, in which she invites her readers to follow her on an adventure through Julia Child's cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking. The book is full of her trials and tribulations of cooking French food.

The book is a great story. Julie Powell was looking for a challenge. Her government job was boring, her biological clock was ticking (albeit-she was not ready for kids), and her neuroses in this book are downright out of control.  Amongst many kitchen disasters, Julie learns that Mastering the Art of French Cooking isn't all that easy. But she finds the humor in it all - and makes her ordinary life a lot more interesting. 

Now, I do not intend to cook French food. I don't like it, I can't pronounce it, and I don't want to copy Julie Powell. But I do intend to use her project as a platform. I cook meals for my boyfriend and myself nightly, and I almost always find the urge to bake. I have my trials and tribulations and come up with many ruined pies, cookies, etc, but it's a part of my routine that I wouldn't trade for anything.

That word is a problem, though: routine. On the cusp of turning 25, I've realized that routine has become a large part of my life. The sad part is: I crave the routine. I like when life goes as I expect it to. After almost 3 years in the working world, at a job that means little to no pay raise or promotion, yet endless amounts of stress and responsibility, I'm going to finally put my foot down. 

Routine is crap. 

Yes, I just said that I crave it. But there's something wrong with that! Who wants to spend the rest of their lives with "Same Shit, Different Day" Syndrome. I might as well change that while I'm still young.

So here I go. I will blog about my nightly meals, my baking blunders, and little tidbits of my ordinary yet busy daily life. I'm not really sure where this is going but - isn't that the point?

Stay tuned.


PS- Why "Onions & Garlic", do you ask? Not only is it the best smell in the world, but they're the beginning of almost every savory dish. So that's it - onions and garlic - amazing aroma and foundation for all...

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